How to preserve a bouquet of flowers

All of us have ever received a beautiful bouquet drew us a smile or an occasional tear, and in these special occasions with flowers entertain us arises the sadness of not being able to keep them for too long.

While it is true that flowers once they are cut from the plant and made into beautiful bouquets to give away slowly begin to lose life until completely dry, There are certain tricks and secrets with which we can prolong their freshness and beauty.

This is necessary to know also some special features of the flowers we received, especially in regard to care and maintenance. But in good general rules we can use these tips for better conservation of the vast majority of flowers we treat.

As a first step, just get the flowers you leave them as they arrived for at least two hours with the stems well immersed in water, So you'll be helping them recover from the shipment that have suffered from the florist to your home.

Once this time, cut the leaves that may be submerged in water according to the pitcher or vase you choose and when you do try to do this task quickly and without touching the flowers too, that the damages and will fade more quickly.

When you must choose a vaseProvided that you acquire one silver opportunity, as this material has an antibacterial power that allows the flowers placed in it will stay fresh longer.

Tomorrow we will share some tips on the location within the house and home a couple of tricks to keep that gift that made you feel so good

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