History and culture of the rose

1 - History of the Rose
The rose has been since the dawn of time the queen of flowers.

The first records of its use date back to ornamental Crete (seventeenth century BC).

The rose was considered a symbol of beauty by the Babylonians, Syrians, Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.

In Egypt and Greece had a special significance, and more on Rome.

The Romans cultivated the rose strongly, being used to ornament their petals and the plant in the gardens in an area called Rosetum.

After Middle Ages, Where its cultivation was confined to monasteries, reappears passion for growing Rosal. An example of this passion was the Empress Josephine in 1802 from his palace at Malmaison came to possess a collection of 650 roses. The collections of roses have multiplied since then.

During the nineteenth century varieties begin to arrive in the Far East, where its cultivation was also very relevant to the ancient Chinese gardeners (there are roses growing data 3000 BC). With them come the yellows.

2 - Cultivation of the Rose

- Sun at least 6 hours per day. They have generally found in very sunny places, although it is desirable to have a little shade at certain times of day.

- The best situation is a clear place in the sun, where the air to pass easily between branches.

- Air circulation is important because it is less fungi. A rose bush near a wall or corner wetter, with less air circulation, is more prone to fungal attack.

- Withstands cold, But in climates with heavy frost is important to protect in the harshest months of the year, wrapping the stem and branches with dry leaves, newspaper or a plastic.

- They are not very demanding when the ground. The best is the sandy-loam soil, deep, permeable, well drained.

- Good irrigation and many nutrients to flower profusely. When planting roses near other plants, make sure that competition for nutrients and water affects them (and water paid more).

- In the event that the Rose is grown in a potThe watering frequency will increase.

- Do not wet the leaves to avoid the appearance of fungi.

- Fundamental to the proper growth of this plant is to make a pruning twice a year, a dramatic in winter and once in the summer.

- The first year there is no need to prune them, but must be done from the second year.

- It is also essential remove spent flowers to avoid consuming resources needed by the buds that are about to bloom.

- Normally the multiplication is performed by grafting. Pets woody cuttings, seeds, layers.

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