Send flowers at Easter

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Poinsettia, Poinsettia, Star City, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Christmas Star


The Poinsettias need bright when in flower, for example, near a window.

In the fall, winter and spring, no matter what you give the sun directly because it is very strong in summer should be protected from direct sun.


This point is key. If the environment is dry, the leaves fall. He hates strong heating. At home, place on a layer of pebbles with water in a bowl or deep plate.


Watering from below, ie, putting the pot about 15 minutes in a bowl or dish with water and remove excess water that the plant has absorbed. With 2 waterings per week is sufficient for the Poinsettia.


They are very suitable slow release fertilizers.

Do not apply foliar fertilizers when the bracts begin to turn brown.

Fertilize frequently until the plant blooms.

If you think shooting last Christmas, you do not pay it again, enough with the substrate will have included in the transplant.

But if we decide to pay it must preserve a universal fertilizer, following the instructions to mark the manufacturer.

The latex (milky white liquid) that comes out when they leave the branches can irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Pests and diseases

- Attacks of botrytis, especially from floral differentiation and when condensation occurs during nighttime hours.

During growth can occur numerous defects, among which include: chlorosis, water stress, wilting, salt stress, etc.., Often due to incorrect cultural practices (excess fertilization, improper application of growth regulators, etc.)..

The most common pests on this plant are aphids, mites, scale insects and, especially, the whitefly (Trialeurodes).


This is done when you can leave a number of nodes equals the number of outbreaks that is desired by each stem.


After the flowering the Poinsettia can keep. In hot climates without frost, can be planted in the garden and allow it to develop there as a shrub. But in cool climates, freezing not permit their survival abroad, that seek new flowers (bracts) next winter, is complicated and is usually discarded.

Artificially change the leaves to get them to become red is a very difficult task to perform at home, but, essentially, is to keep the plant in total darkness during the twelve weeks prior to flowering, ie during the months of September , October and November, for at least fourteen hours a day.

To achieve good winter flowering plant is maintained in the autumn 14 hours a day to total darkness.


The proliferation of commercial varieties are made from terminal cuttings 6-8 cm long.

To stop the loss of latex, which is produced by cutting the part sectioned recommend dipping in hot water (this latex or sap can cause contact allergies).

These cuttings are put in "minimacetas" with very porous substrate (peat and sand or alone), the application is convenient for rooting hormone (IBA or NAA) and fungicides.

With bottom heat (23-25 º C), and abundant light mist, rooting occurs approximately 15 days.

The poinsettia - Basic care

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The first thing to keep in mind if you want to keep the plant during a period of time than Christmas is that it requires to be located in places with constant temperatures between 16 and 21 degrees, and is not suitable to receive flows air. If the plant is acclimated to the place, the light level is of paramount importance, although they are always more desirable places illuminated, especially in the flowering period. And is that the poinsettia does not require much light and even in fall, winter and spring no matter the effect of direct sun in summer should be avoided.

With regard to irrigation, to know that at first it must be abundant while ensuring that the soil has always dried before watering again. It should increase the amount of water to put it into the new location during the summer and flowering. Another essential care if you want to retain their good looks is sprayed with water to avoid red leaves that do not occur in spots or fade them. Although houseplants after the holidays can be transplanted to the garden or where not receive excessive sunlight, which will improve its maintenance and may reach into a bush of up to five meters. If kept in a container, its maximum height is around 50 centimeters.

Typically, acquiring in nurseries, so it is best to make a first traspalnte a fairly large pot and add some compost or fertilizer, following the manufacturer's instructions. Finally, add the Poinsettia should prune in the spring when the plant has no leaves. This process should leave the stems with a measure of six to eight inches and stop watering until new leaves come out. This also allows playback with cuttings obtained.

History Easter

Send flowers to Easter
Like all holidays have their roots in Christianity, Easter has been secularized and commercialized. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, are not necessarily a modern invention.
Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival.

The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with a festival commemorating their goddess of offspring loud and spring, Eastre. When-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did, however, in a clandestine manner.

To save lives, the missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations by enabling them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but doing it in a Christian manner.

The pagan festival of Eastre occurred at the same time of year it was carried out the Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. The name of the celebration was changed to the modern spelling, Easter.
The date of Easter
By 325 AD, Easter was celebrated on different days of the week, including Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by Emperor Constantine. Article was published on Easter, which states that Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox or spring, or the first day of spring. Therefore, Easter must be held on Sunday between the dates of March 22 and April 25. Its date is tied to the lunar cycle.
La Cruz
The cross is the symbol of the crucifixion, rather than the Resurrection. However, at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, Constantine decreed that the cross was the official symbol of Christianity. The Cross is not only a symbol of Easter, is widely used, especially by the Catholic Church as a symbol of their faith.
Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with the pagan festival of Eastre. Eastre goddess, was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.

The Germans brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America. Was largely ignored by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War. In fact, Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after that time.
Easter Egg
As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in spring is a practice that is centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.

From early times, the egg is a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, peasants around them with bright colors, or petals of certain flowers.

Today, the children paint eggs by placing them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs, the chocolate.

History of Women's Day

The International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups worldwide. That date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is a national holiday in many countries. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political, come together to celebrate their day, they can look a tradition of not less than ninety years of struggle for equality , justice, peace and development.

The International Women's Day concerns of ordinary women as makers of history and is rooted in centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men to end the war in the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

The idea of an international day of women emerged at the end of the nineteenth century was, in the industrialized world, a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies.


1909: According to a statement from the Socialist Party of the United States of America on February 28 was held in the United States the first National Women's Day, they continued to celebrate the last Sunday of February until 1913.

1910: The Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, proclaimed the International Women's Day, international in character to honor the movement for women's rights and to help achieve universal suffrage. The proposal was approved unanimously by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. No fixed date for the celebration.

1911: Following the decision taken at Copenhagen the previous year, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time (19 March) in Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, with meetings attended by more than 1 million women and men. Besides the right to vote and hold public office, they demanded the right to employment, vocational training and non-discrimination in employment.

Less than a week later, on March 25 More than 140 young workers, mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants, were killed in the tragic Triangle Factory fire in New York City. This event had a significant impact on the labor laws of the United States, and subsequent celebrations of International Women's Day is referred to the working conditions leading to disaster.

1913 to 1914: In the context of movements for peace that emerged on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day last Sunday in February 1913. In the rest of Europe, women held rallies around 8 March of next year to protest the war or to express solidarity with other women.

1917: In response to the 2 million Russian soldiers dead in the war, Russian women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike in demand for "bread and peace". Political leaders opposed the timing of the strike, but the women went on anyway. The rest is history: Four days later the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 23 February on the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, but on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar in use elsewhere.

Since those early years, International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries. The growing international women's movement, backed by the United Nations through four world conferences on women, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts for the rights of women and their participation in the life political and economic. The International Women's Day is becoming more an occasion to reflect on progress, demand change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.

International Women's Day

Since 1975, International Year of Women, International Women's Day is celebrated on 8 March to commemorate the historic struggle to improve women's lives. " It is celebrated around the world locally and nationally.

The theme of International Women's Day for 2006 is "Women in decision-making: meeting challenges, creating change".