Poinsettia, Poinsettia, Star City, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Christmas Star


The Poinsettias need bright when in flower, for example, near a window.

In the fall, winter and spring, no matter what you give the sun directly because it is very strong in summer should be protected from direct sun.


This point is key. If the environment is dry, the leaves fall. He hates strong heating. At home, place on a layer of pebbles with water in a bowl or deep plate.


Watering from below, ie, putting the pot about 15 minutes in a bowl or dish with water and remove excess water that the plant has absorbed. With 2 waterings per week is sufficient for the Poinsettia.


They are very suitable slow release fertilizers.

Do not apply foliar fertilizers when the bracts begin to turn brown.

Fertilize frequently until the plant blooms.

If you think shooting last Christmas, you do not pay it again, enough with the substrate will have included in the transplant.

But if we decide to pay it must preserve a universal fertilizer, following the instructions to mark the manufacturer.

The latex (milky white liquid) that comes out when they leave the branches can irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Pests and diseases

- Attacks of botrytis, especially from floral differentiation and when condensation occurs during nighttime hours.

During growth can occur numerous defects, among which include: chlorosis, water stress, wilting, salt stress, etc.., Often due to incorrect cultural practices (excess fertilization, improper application of growth regulators, etc.)..

The most common pests on this plant are aphids, mites, scale insects and, especially, the whitefly (Trialeurodes).


This is done when you can leave a number of nodes equals the number of outbreaks that is desired by each stem.


After the flowering the Poinsettia can keep. In hot climates without frost, can be planted in the garden and allow it to develop there as a shrub. But in cool climates, freezing not permit their survival abroad, that seek new flowers (bracts) next winter, is complicated and is usually discarded.

Artificially change the leaves to get them to become red is a very difficult task to perform at home, but, essentially, is to keep the plant in total darkness during the twelve weeks prior to flowering, ie during the months of September , October and November, for at least fourteen hours a day.

To achieve good winter flowering plant is maintained in the autumn 14 hours a day to total darkness.


The proliferation of commercial varieties are made from terminal cuttings 6-8 cm long.

To stop the loss of latex, which is produced by cutting the part sectioned recommend dipping in hot water (this latex or sap can cause contact allergies).

These cuttings are put in "minimacetas" with very porous substrate (peat and sand or alone), the application is convenient for rooting hormone (IBA or NAA) and fungicides.

With bottom heat (23-25 º C), and abundant light mist, rooting occurs approximately 15 days.


paula said...

Beautiful and lovely flower arrangement.

Paula M
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