The poinsettia - Basic care

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The first thing to keep in mind if you want to keep the plant during a period of time than Christmas is that it requires to be located in places with constant temperatures between 16 and 21 degrees, and is not suitable to receive flows air. If the plant is acclimated to the place, the light level is of paramount importance, although they are always more desirable places illuminated, especially in the flowering period. And is that the poinsettia does not require much light and even in fall, winter and spring no matter the effect of direct sun in summer should be avoided.

With regard to irrigation, to know that at first it must be abundant while ensuring that the soil has always dried before watering again. It should increase the amount of water to put it into the new location during the summer and flowering. Another essential care if you want to retain their good looks is sprayed with water to avoid red leaves that do not occur in spots or fade them. Although houseplants after the holidays can be transplanted to the garden or where not receive excessive sunlight, which will improve its maintenance and may reach into a bush of up to five meters. If kept in a container, its maximum height is around 50 centimeters.

Typically, acquiring in nurseries, so it is best to make a first traspalnte a fairly large pot and add some compost or fertilizer, following the manufacturer's instructions. Finally, add the Poinsettia should prune in the spring when the plant has no leaves. This process should leave the stems with a measure of six to eight inches and stop watering until new leaves come out. This also allows playback with cuttings obtained.

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