Legends about St. Patrick:

Some of the history of Sn. Patrick are based on legends.

One of the best-known story tells how the magic of the snakes of Ireland into the sea, just as they are drowning. Different stories or anecdotes say that standing on top of the hill, using a wooden baton that are driving the snakes into the sea, forever banished from the land of Ireland. One legend says that one old serpent resisted, but St. Patrick is more ready for their intelligence. He says he has a box of snakes to avoid unnecessary to enter. The snake insisted the box is too small and the discussion starts strong. Finally the snake entered the box to prove that he is well and immediately Sn. Patrick closed the box, and then the push the box into the sea. While it is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but probably never haiga serpents which is an island separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the time. At the time of the heathen they had gold to the snake as a common symbol, and possibly loved. They forced out the snakes from Ireland was probably a symbol of the termination of pagan practices.

One of the best legends tells us how he led the snakes of Ireland into the sea to drown these. According to another story, Patricio Trevol use a 3 sheets to illustrate the idea of the Trinity. Many people believed that the permission of Trevol tradicon symbol of Ireland as a result of this legend. Today, her day off March 17th is celebrated as a national holiday in Ireland.

San Patrico also introduced the Roman alphabet and Latin literature into Ireland, after his death around the 461 AD, Irish monasteries acted as centers of learning.

Compton's Encyclopedia says that despite the continuing treatment of his life, Patrcia traveled widely, baptizing, confirming, preaching and builds churches and monasteries. Patrick's victory almost become the majority of the population of the Island His "Epistola" preaches the case of the Christian Irish at the hands of British conquest. St. Patrick wrote in to be appreciated for its simplicity and humility

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