Send flowers at Easter

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Poinsettia, Poinsettia, Star City, Santa Claus, Reindeer, Christmas Star


The Poinsettias need bright when in flower, for example, near a window.

In the fall, winter and spring, no matter what you give the sun directly because it is very strong in summer should be protected from direct sun.


This point is key. If the environment is dry, the leaves fall. He hates strong heating. At home, place on a layer of pebbles with water in a bowl or deep plate.


Watering from below, ie, putting the pot about 15 minutes in a bowl or dish with water and remove excess water that the plant has absorbed. With 2 waterings per week is sufficient for the Poinsettia.


They are very suitable slow release fertilizers.

Do not apply foliar fertilizers when the bracts begin to turn brown.

Fertilize frequently until the plant blooms.

If you think shooting last Christmas, you do not pay it again, enough with the substrate will have included in the transplant.

But if we decide to pay it must preserve a universal fertilizer, following the instructions to mark the manufacturer.

The latex (milky white liquid) that comes out when they leave the branches can irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Pests and diseases

- Attacks of botrytis, especially from floral differentiation and when condensation occurs during nighttime hours.

During growth can occur numerous defects, among which include: chlorosis, water stress, wilting, salt stress, etc.., Often due to incorrect cultural practices (excess fertilization, improper application of growth regulators, etc.)..

The most common pests on this plant are aphids, mites, scale insects and, especially, the whitefly (Trialeurodes).


This is done when you can leave a number of nodes equals the number of outbreaks that is desired by each stem.


After the flowering the Poinsettia can keep. In hot climates without frost, can be planted in the garden and allow it to develop there as a shrub. But in cool climates, freezing not permit their survival abroad, that seek new flowers (bracts) next winter, is complicated and is usually discarded.

Artificially change the leaves to get them to become red is a very difficult task to perform at home, but, essentially, is to keep the plant in total darkness during the twelve weeks prior to flowering, ie during the months of September , October and November, for at least fourteen hours a day.

To achieve good winter flowering plant is maintained in the autumn 14 hours a day to total darkness.


The proliferation of commercial varieties are made from terminal cuttings 6-8 cm long.

To stop the loss of latex, which is produced by cutting the part sectioned recommend dipping in hot water (this latex or sap can cause contact allergies).

These cuttings are put in "minimacetas" with very porous substrate (peat and sand or alone), the application is convenient for rooting hormone (IBA or NAA) and fungicides.

With bottom heat (23-25 º C), and abundant light mist, rooting occurs approximately 15 days.

The poinsettia - Basic care

Send flowers to  easter
The first thing to keep in mind if you want to keep the plant during a period of time than Christmas is that it requires to be located in places with constant temperatures between 16 and 21 degrees, and is not suitable to receive flows air. If the plant is acclimated to the place, the light level is of paramount importance, although they are always more desirable places illuminated, especially in the flowering period. And is that the poinsettia does not require much light and even in fall, winter and spring no matter the effect of direct sun in summer should be avoided.

With regard to irrigation, to know that at first it must be abundant while ensuring that the soil has always dried before watering again. It should increase the amount of water to put it into the new location during the summer and flowering. Another essential care if you want to retain their good looks is sprayed with water to avoid red leaves that do not occur in spots or fade them. Although houseplants after the holidays can be transplanted to the garden or where not receive excessive sunlight, which will improve its maintenance and may reach into a bush of up to five meters. If kept in a container, its maximum height is around 50 centimeters.

Typically, acquiring in nurseries, so it is best to make a first traspalnte a fairly large pot and add some compost or fertilizer, following the manufacturer's instructions. Finally, add the Poinsettia should prune in the spring when the plant has no leaves. This process should leave the stems with a measure of six to eight inches and stop watering until new leaves come out. This also allows playback with cuttings obtained.

History Easter

Send flowers to Easter
Like all holidays have their roots in Christianity, Easter has been secularized and commercialized. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, are not necessarily a modern invention.
Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival.

The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with a festival commemorating their goddess of offspring loud and spring, Eastre. When-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did, however, in a clandestine manner.

To save lives, the missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations by enabling them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but doing it in a Christian manner.

The pagan festival of Eastre occurred at the same time of year it was carried out the Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. The name of the celebration was changed to the modern spelling, Easter.
The date of Easter
By 325 AD, Easter was celebrated on different days of the week, including Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by Emperor Constantine. Article was published on Easter, which states that Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox or spring, or the first day of spring. Therefore, Easter must be held on Sunday between the dates of March 22 and April 25. Its date is tied to the lunar cycle.
La Cruz
The cross is the symbol of the crucifixion, rather than the Resurrection. However, at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, Constantine decreed that the cross was the official symbol of Christianity. The Cross is not only a symbol of Easter, is widely used, especially by the Catholic Church as a symbol of their faith.
Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with the pagan festival of Eastre. Eastre goddess, was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.

The Germans brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America. Was largely ignored by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War. In fact, Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after that time.
Easter Egg
As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in spring is a practice that is centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.

From early times, the egg is a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, peasants around them with bright colors, or petals of certain flowers.

Today, the children paint eggs by placing them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs, the chocolate.

History of Women's Day

The International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups worldwide. That date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is a national holiday in many countries. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political, come together to celebrate their day, they can look a tradition of not less than ninety years of struggle for equality , justice, peace and development.

The International Women's Day concerns of ordinary women as makers of history and is rooted in centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men to end the war in the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

The idea of an international day of women emerged at the end of the nineteenth century was, in the industrialized world, a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies.


1909: According to a statement from the Socialist Party of the United States of America on February 28 was held in the United States the first National Women's Day, they continued to celebrate the last Sunday of February until 1913.

1910: The Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, proclaimed the International Women's Day, international in character to honor the movement for women's rights and to help achieve universal suffrage. The proposal was approved unanimously by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. No fixed date for the celebration.

1911: Following the decision taken at Copenhagen the previous year, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time (19 March) in Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, with meetings attended by more than 1 million women and men. Besides the right to vote and hold public office, they demanded the right to employment, vocational training and non-discrimination in employment.

Less than a week later, on March 25 More than 140 young workers, mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants, were killed in the tragic Triangle Factory fire in New York City. This event had a significant impact on the labor laws of the United States, and subsequent celebrations of International Women's Day is referred to the working conditions leading to disaster.

1913 to 1914: In the context of movements for peace that emerged on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day last Sunday in February 1913. In the rest of Europe, women held rallies around 8 March of next year to protest the war or to express solidarity with other women.

1917: In response to the 2 million Russian soldiers dead in the war, Russian women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike in demand for "bread and peace". Political leaders opposed the timing of the strike, but the women went on anyway. The rest is history: Four days later the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 23 February on the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, but on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar in use elsewhere.

Since those early years, International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries. The growing international women's movement, backed by the United Nations through four world conferences on women, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts for the rights of women and their participation in the life political and economic. The International Women's Day is becoming more an occasion to reflect on progress, demand change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.

International Women's Day

Since 1975, International Year of Women, International Women's Day is celebrated on 8 March to commemorate the historic struggle to improve women's lives. " It is celebrated around the world locally and nationally.

The theme of International Women's Day for 2006 is "Women in decision-making: meeting challenges, creating change".

Legends about St. Patrick:

Some of the history of Sn. Patrick are based on legends.

One of the best-known story tells how the magic of the snakes of Ireland into the sea, just as they are drowning. Different stories or anecdotes say that standing on top of the hill, using a wooden baton that are driving the snakes into the sea, forever banished from the land of Ireland. One legend says that one old serpent resisted, but St. Patrick is more ready for their intelligence. He says he has a box of snakes to avoid unnecessary to enter. The snake insisted the box is too small and the discussion starts strong. Finally the snake entered the box to prove that he is well and immediately Sn. Patrick closed the box, and then the push the box into the sea. While it is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but probably never haiga serpents which is an island separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the time. At the time of the heathen they had gold to the snake as a common symbol, and possibly loved. They forced out the snakes from Ireland was probably a symbol of the termination of pagan practices.

One of the best legends tells us how he led the snakes of Ireland into the sea to drown these. According to another story, Patricio Trevol use a 3 sheets to illustrate the idea of the Trinity. Many people believed that the permission of Trevol tradicon symbol of Ireland as a result of this legend. Today, her day off March 17th is celebrated as a national holiday in Ireland.

San Patrico also introduced the Roman alphabet and Latin literature into Ireland, after his death around the 461 AD, Irish monasteries acted as centers of learning.

Compton's Encyclopedia says that despite the continuing treatment of his life, Patrcia traveled widely, baptizing, confirming, preaching and builds churches and monasteries. Patrick's victory almost become the majority of the population of the Island His "Epistola" preaches the case of the Christian Irish at the hands of British conquest. St. Patrick wrote in to be appreciated for its simplicity and humility

Send Flowers to St. Patrick Day

Anyway Who is St. Patrick?

According to the Book World, St. Patrick lived around the years 389-461 AD, and is the patron of Ireland. He was mainly responsible for converting the Irish to Cristianos.Se became acquainted as apostle to the Irish. Its Latin name is Patrick. Patrick was born in England. His father was wealthy and Christian. When Patrick was 16 years old, pirates captured him during an assault and sold as a slave in Ireland. He served as a pastor in Northern Ireland. During his captivity, was devoted to religion. Depue, 6 years of slavery he escaped and returned home to England.

As a result of his experience in Ireland, Patrick was made compulsory by the idea of converting the Irish to Christians. Only prepared for the test, study in the monastery of Northern Ireland, on an island on the side of France. He also went to Auxerre, France and Religious Studies at San Geronimo, a French bishop. In part because their previous education was inadequate, their religion was superior to the sabiera recruited to return to Ireland as a missionary. After Palladius, the first Irish missionary bishop died in 431, Pope sent Patrick to Ireland.

Patrick began his work where there was no Christian preacher. The best truth and friendship of several leaders and soon made some conversions. He said he had found more than 300 churches and baptized more than 120,000 people. He brought the clergy in England and France for their new churches in their missions triumph in Ireland, though many British clergymen opposed him in the way he organized the churches. Patrick predators in Ireland for the rest of his life.

Various writings of Patrick have survived and served as the most important import sources to your work and life. Patrick wrote "Confession", an account of spiritual development. Hence the group justified its mission to Ireland and express his humility and gratitude that God haiga called on to serve the Irish. Patrick also wrote a letter to Corot, in which he criticized a robbery in Ireland Croticos led by a British leader during the robbery, several of Patrick's converts were killed. The letter also reflects the resentment of Patrick clergy attitude discover British and the Irish nobility.

St. Patrick is buried there? One legend has it that the same was buried in the tomb of St. Bridget and St. Columba in the town of Downpatrick, Down in the colony. St. Patrick's jaw is booked on a silver plate and for a long time people asked for her and took her to his house when someone was sick for protection from evil eye. Other legends say that the last days of St. Patrick's lived in Glastonbury and in that city was where he was buried. The chapel of St.. Patrick still exists as part of a monastery at Glastonbury. There is evidence of an Irish pilgrimage to his tomb during the reign of King Ine AD 688, when a group led by peregrineses San Indractus was killed. The big concern anxious to have the bodies or relics of saints, and that's why there are many variations of traditions of the place of where the body of St. Patrick and that everyone wanted a part of your body and others.

Flowers daisies

It is very common to call as many inflorescences daisy flowers When in reality does not define one particular species but to a large number of them. In this sense, the definition of daisies is associated directly to one of the largest families of plant kingdom: the Composite.

Flowers daisies

This family, also called Compositae, Is characterized by the typical inflorescence chapter easily recognizable. She owned more than 1,000 genera with which number over 20,000 species. If we add its varieties ... this figure is astronomical.

Understanding thus daisies, Are found throughout the world and although most are herbaceous plants, there are also shrubs, climbers and even bearing tree.

If we are to appoint two daisies as clear examples in this great family ... the answer is very clear at the grassroots level: Gerberas and the Chrysantemun. But there are many more well known by all as for example the AstericusThe CalendulaThe Dahlia... And etc..

Daisy flowers beautify the gardens as much inside our homes as they are widely used in gardening and in the cut flower market. It's not as normal as houseplants find it or have a most enlightened, or flowering ornamental rapidly loses interest.

Still, in recent years, companies breeders of new varieties, varieties have already taken Gerberas and Chrysantemun to be grown as potted plants with results as good houseplant. And with the advantage that once past its initial flowering, can be planted in the garden and enjoy it as seasonal plant.

Buy flowers for All Saints

Buy flowers for All Saints can become a problem for many people waiting at the last minute to do their assignments. Millions of flowers are purchased for the holiday in which is venerated the saints who have no own party in the liturgical calendar.

Buy flowers for All Saints

Points flower sales traditional and floristsAlways complain about unfair competition from other commercial channels such as MULTIPRICE stores, The large areas or market peddling, Who only put in Buy flowers for these peak demand. For florists the purchase flowers for All Saints them is the ten percent of their annual sales, much more than on other days are important to them as the Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.

The main catalog Flowers for All Saints what shape the carnationThe clavelinaThe gladiolus, the chrysanthemum and pink. And the way to sell more flowers in specific centers in bouquets and wreaths.

It is also true that if the action traditionally buy flowers for All Saints was performed by visiting floristNow are increased orders by phone and above all, a booming method is to perform the Internet flower salesIn order to avoid breakdowns that often occur in the florists

Cultivation of the Proteas in the World

The Proteas as ornamental cut flowers are highly valued by many exotic flower for the value and distinction who give their flowers, while its great durability over 15 days.

The Proteas as ornamental cut flowers
For this purpose, the cultivation of Proteas in the World is a reality, their flowers by air travelers to the country of consumption.

Among the most prominent countries in cultivation are:

■ South Africa, Which began its cultivation in the forties and production currently stands at over 4,200 hectares between nurseries and production areas for both fresh flowers as in the form of dried flowers.

■ AustraliaSecond country Proteas endemic but also cultivated varieties introduced from South Africa. Its major production areas are in Western Australia. Note that there are many endemic varieties that are protected for export and also happens in New Zealand. Production areas in New Zealand are Northland and Bay of Plenty.

■ United StatesIn its most important production areas of California and the Hawaiian Islands. They grow as a whole over 80 acres being the most important genres Banksia and Leucodendron.

■ Israel that occurs mainly in Leucodendron.

■ Portugal production began Proteas The island of Madeira in a little over 40 years. It also has production in the Azores that although his production is all of the islands, its largest area is on the island of Sao Miguel. In Alentejana coast (southern Portugal) and in the Algarve. Much of the Proteas as ornamental cut flowers are sold through Holland.

■ Spain, A young country like Proteas producerHas its main growing areas in Huelva with Leucodendron, And the Canary Islands where there are major areas for this plant.
■ Chile increases substantially directing their Proteas flowers to Europe.

■ Other new areas of interest or of production are Italy, Thailand, Zambia, China, Japan and Russia.

Bouquets of carnations

The carnationsis one of the most popular flowers in Spain with the rose. In fact, one of the pioneering countries in Europe in production and exports and is now the most important region Andalusia in regard to this flower.

The greatest carnation market the world is the United States, Colombia and its main supplier and thus perhaps also the world's leading producer standard type carnation. In fact Colombia is also a major supplier in Europe, competing strongly with the Spanish market. In this case, carnations are transported by air, while trade in Europe is done primarily through trucks.

When we speak of 'The Carnation'As such, we refer primarily to Dianthus caryophyllusBelonging to the family Cariophyllaceas. This is mainly grown for cut flowers but also has a small market as ornamental potted plant. The pink (Dianthus caryophyllus) Originates in the Mediterranean at its most wild, although now and as a result of multiple hybridization and selection processes, is unlike almost anything and the varietal range is impressive.

Its value lies primarily in ornamental flowers with serrated petals, more or less irregularly. Currently grown carnations uniflora type, multiflora or bouquet. Carnations are often associated, emotionally, to the joy and charm ... and generally everything having to do with the joy and love. In the language of flowers are closely related with all the love feelings involved, but each color has a specific meaning. Thus, while the red expresses admiration for the beloved, the target makes greater reference to pure love.

The carnation bouquets may be all of Carnations or combined with other species of flower bouquets to set great ornamental value. This applies to the Standard carnations, Also called large-flowered.

In contrast, Miniature carnations, Also called multiflora or spray, are used primarily for bouquets along with the occasional flower as the StatizeThe Gerbera... And green as the ornamental cutting Leather FernThe Gypsophila paniculataEtc.. Together classes are set up much cheaper.

Entering the varieties of Carnations and within the 'standard type', we find an impressive collection that is growing over time. It is noteworthy that besides the pure colors, is the group of so-called 'Fantasia' and are having a lot of acceptance, including varieties of striped or variegated flower.

To set good carnation bouquets We should be demanding and are always Carnations quality. To do this, we must pay attention to things like the diameter of the flower, good training for their flowers, the absence of defects and pests, it appears the 'freshness' and does not wither, that the opening is partially open their flowers for a longer duration and the length and rigidity of the stem are adequate.

On the rigidity of the stem can be determined by taking the stem horizontally about 3 inches from the base of the stem according to the quality it deserves. If the deviation of the head of the flower is over 30 degrees from the horizontal curvature natural down ... the flower is defective.

The Proteas

The Proteas are very old plants, to the extent that they are within the southern hemisphere in three continents (Africa, Australia and South America.), implying that were already present before their separation, living with the dinosaurs

Protea Flower

About the name of this family there are variations to consider. First, the word is documented Protea comes from Greek mythology. The God Proteus, son of Poseidon, god of the seas and has the power to change shape and appearance, as the Proteas have a great diversity in form and color. Also in South Africa are called 'Suikerbossie', variant 'Sugarbush' which means 'wood sugar'. And that was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 under the name of Leucodendron repens their creeping certain bearing. Later, it was Carl Thunberg who changed his name to the new 'Protea mellifera', Known for his engagement in the production of honey.

Virtually all the Proteas need a rather poor soil, sandy, well ventilated, drained and slightly acidic pH. Their exposure should be sunny and temperatures without frost.

Under these conditions often have problems, whereas very wet, wet lands, is almost certain to die from asphyxiation root or the occurrence of the dreaded PhytophthoraThe enemy fungus most important source of the Proteas.

Currently grown variety Proteas in different countries for use in trade fresh flowers ornamentals. Among the most prominent countries are South Africa, followed by Australia, United States (California and Hawaii Islands), Israel, Zimbabwe, Portugal (South, Madeira and the Azores), Spain (Canary Islands, and the area of Huelva), Costa Rica , Chile, New Zealand, China and Japan.

As a curiosity associated with the ProteasWe can say that the Protea repens was for 200 years, the national flower of South Africa, in 1976 was replaced by Protea cyneriodes with the reason that this particular type produces the largest flower in the Proteas.

Care of the cut flower Anthurium andreanum

The care Anthurium andreanum as cut flowers are very simple and carried out correctly, we can ensure that your flowers last longer than three weeks in the vase of our home.

Red Anthurium andreanum

The important thing is to make sure you buy the flowers Anthurium andreanum in good condition, they are fresh flowers. From here, everything depends on us.

The Anthurium andreanumOne of the most important ornamental species of the genus Anthurium sp. is native to tropical rain forests of Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Central America. Therefore, the moisture, heat and avoid direct sunlight will need to be borne in mind.

Focus on how to preserve longer the flowers Anthurium andreanum can be easy if we consider a few details. First, whether purchased at a flower shop or specialty store by flower delivery at home Internet, is unpack and put in the vase.

In all cases we will choose a clean vase, which also add clean water, no trace of chlorine and will add a preservative preferably cut flowers. This preservative will help prevent the development small bacteria and algae in the water and concentrate on the cut area of the stem, since they are a major cause shortening the life of any flower.

Technically, water is absorbed by the wood vessels called. These are like 'small pipes' located in the central parts of the stem and through which water flows from the roots to the leaves (once produced the juice, this falls Liberian vessels found at the periphery of the stem). Part of this water, as happens in us is evaporated through transpiration, so it must be replenished constantly.

The fresh flowers of Anthurium andreanum, Having no roots absorb water at the base of the stem. Thus, it is recommended that as often as possible (daily or every two days), change the vase water ... and every three or four days also wash well. Always adding a preservative of cut flowers if possible.

Usually we have one class only Anthurium flowers andreanumBut are always accompanied by other flowers and especially the so-called green ornamental. Therefore, these actions are due to perform with all the flowers and green forming the ornamental industry.

Both the first place the Anthurium flowers andreanum in the vase as in the successive times coinciding with water changes, always cut the stem bases for half a centimeter and recommended way to stem diagonally (at bezel). The cut is made clean and avoiding 'chew' the shear zone. The reason is to renew the cuts and thus facilitate better absorption of new water. And because of the diagonal cut ... is twofold: firstly get more absorption surface and the other, preventing the stem rest fully and directly on the vase, avoiding the obstruction of water intake area.

Once the Anthurium andreanum in the vase, we have the foresight to put in a place with good lighting but not direct sunlight incidence (eg, from a window). This will favor keeping the intensity of their colors. Obviously try to avoid exposure in areas with strong air currents such as near radiators or heating output of air conditioners, doors to the outside, and so on.

So with these simple care as a cut flower Anthurium andreanum, Its maximum durability is assured.

Chrysanthemum Flowers

Botanically, the genus Chrysanthemum belongs to the family Asteraceae and encompasses one of the types of flowers grown older, as well as cut flowers (fresh flowers) And potted ornamental plants. Its main attraction are the ornamental flowers.... really an inflorescence chapter.

Red chrysanthemum

A variety of chapter (flower) Grown commercially, but overall, this inflorescence is composed of two types of flowers: The female located in the radial area of the chapter and which correspond to the outer rows in the flowers, And hermaphrodites, concentrically located in the area ... which obviously correspond to the plants. The chapter floral container or may be flat or convex depending on the variety and is surrounded by its attractive form bracts surround, popularly mistaken as petals.

In Spain, thanks to the many varieties available today and therefore colors and shapes, chrysanthemum flowers (Chrysanthemum) Are widely used as gift and decoration of homes, offices, shops, etc.. Its popularity is supported by its long life as a flower vase and economic.

The chrysanthemum leaves are almost always aromatic and may be lobed or toothed, ligulate or rough, varying in color from light green and very dark, well covered with a whitish powder that gives a certain look gray.

The Chrysanthemum flowers are marketed as fresh flowers in jars with several stems in floral arrangements or as potted plant, several plants pinched to encourage their budding plant and thus fully dense and very flowery.

As we say, the Chrysanthemum flowers are technically inflorescence (group of them) and in the form of these inflorescences can be classified into different types:

■ Single or daisyComposed of one or two rows of flowers and hermaphrodite flowers radio stations.
■ Anemones that are very similar to the simple, but with concentric tubular and elongated flowers. In this type, the color of its flowers radial and concentric can be the same or not.

■ Recurved, Globular shape and curved inward radial flowers.

■ Reflex in round shape with radial flowers bending outwards and downwards.

■ The so-called type Spider, pen, spoon... In which radial flowers are tubular and incurved.

■Pompones into globular and consisting of short and uniform radial flowers, which shows no concentric flowers.

■ And DecorativeVery similar to those pompoms, because flowers are composed primarily of radio, although the outer rows are longer than the plants, giving the inflorescence a flat shape and irregular.

During recent decades, varietal improvement for obtaining commercial hybrids (new varieties), aimed both in form and in the color of its flowers, And in its adaptation to the production of flowers throughout the year.

Strelitzia reginae

The Strelitzia reginae belongs to the family Strelitziaceas and is used as cut flowersBut also as a gardening plant when the prevailing weather is benign. It is a plant well identified but in addition to its technical name is called 'Bird of Paradise','Estrelicia','Flower bird','Flower bird'And so on.

Flower Flower Strelitzia reginae
As behaves like herbaceous plant in the form of bush, large-leaved perennials that have a very strong central nerviadura grow alternate, with long petioles, are oval, grayish-green and have a long petiole. Taken together reaching a height which do not exceed five feet.

Overall, its main attraction is its beautiful and exotic flowers that resemble the shape of a bird, hence the reason for its many popular names. These are in their flower stalks that hold between 5 to 8 flowers and plants can flourish as several times a year.

Attractive flowers of Strelitzia reginae consist of three sepals orange or intense yellow and bright three strong blue petals. The flower quality allows it to be used in the floral compositions, bringing elegance and exotic touch to the whole.

Due to its characteristics endure in full turgor in the vase for several weeks, allowing to provide a good structural aspect to the final floristic composition.

In gardening, a plant which provides a 'tropical air'. It is a shrubby plant performance and plant is used both as individuals and for groups. It can be purchased as potted plant with several plants per container.

In the garden must have full sun exposure and in areas where temperatures are above 10 º C.

The rose garden Queen

It is said that the origins of cultivated roses goes back to ancient gardening Imperial China. In Hindu mythology it is associated with the goddess of love and beautyAnd in the Classical Greece. He was also highly revered in the Pharaonic Egypt. There is a belief that Cleopatra had her pillows filled with petals of this flower.

The rose has gained a popularity that is hard to dispute any other flower. In fact, it is considered 'The queen of flowers'. In addition to its aroma, smooth and delicious, the roses have the attraction of its beautiful flowers and a stylish look that makes it the most widely cultivated plant in parks and gardens throughout the world.

Moderate conditions
Species large flowers are ideal for cultivation in the garden, and small on balconies and terraces. In return, the latter bloom continuously from May to November.

•In practice there are no environmental situations, excluding total shade, preventing the cultivation of the rose.
•Just received from the rosebush three to four hours of sun morning to flower regularly.
•It prefers average, neither too dry nor too much irrigation. If grown in pots, should watering every 3 or 4 days, and if it is in the garden, once a week.

Example of adaptation
The roses are best grown in temperate and grow more easily in conditions of cold and icy winters, mild springs, and sunny days in summer. Those located in a place with abundance of light, heat and humidity.

•The plant must not be downwind, nor in full sun.
•However, the versatility the rose makes to adapt to adverse conditions of temperature and varying amounts of sun and rain.
•There are few places in the world where they can be grown, such as sites of ongoing drought or intense and prolonged cold.

Very important: cutting
The primary reason for which is prune regularly rose plants is to avoid unnecessary ramifications which exclude the sap of the same and prevent develop properly and be born quality flowers.

•A plant with many branches gives flowers in abundance, but a mediocre appearance, and that wastes the sap in unnecessary branches feed.
•It is recommended that after pruning, is fertilize.
•There two types of pruning: The training, conducted in the first year and is the proper development of the plant and the plant, which takes place from the first year and eliminate those branches is diseased, broken or Pests.

Many types to choose
There are numerous types of roses. We grow them for mere ornamentation and give them a more functional purpose.

•There are already roses climbers very useful for covering walls or fences not very graceful.
•Also ground cover, Which slow the growth of weeds to keep out sunlight.
•There are roses to smell, very intense, penetrating and very pleasant.
The rose is the ornamental plant for excellence. No public or private garden lacking. It offers many possibilities of color, with many nuances, as well as smell. They are easy and great resistance, which combined with its extreme beauty makes it very popular among lovers of the garden.

The Romance of Fresh Flowers in the Middle of Winter

Most people feel that Valentine's Day is not complete without flowers, but as almost everyone knows, February is not exactly the flower growing season.

So even gardeners have to join the rest of the people by purchasing fresh flowers in the local flower shop. Roses are by far the favorite - last year some 214 million of flowers were placed on the market for Valentine's Day. Of course, this does not mean that other flowers and potted plants are not popular.

It does not really matter what you choose for the special occasion, provided that at heart, and remember to take care of her flowers once the big day is over. This means that you keep fresh cut flowers in clean water with chlorine to prevent bacteria from attacking the stems. The stems should be cut off as soon as you get flowers. While potted flowers need to stay out of direct sunlight, which is pretty easy in this time of year.

Flowers from Mexico Facing Customs Inspection

Those who bring flowers across the border near San Diego, will take part in a thorough inspection. Officials say they will carefully inspect flowers people bring across the border for Valentine’s Day, looking for harmful pests.

Chrysanthemums and gladiolas are already prohibited from being brought across the border as they often carry fungi called “Chrysanthemum White Rust” and “Gladiolus Rust,” both of which can be quite harmful.

Other plants like cut greenery and orange jasmine, will also be thoroughly inspected as they hold a dangerous citrus pest.

This is no cause for worry as most flowers like roses and carnations will be allowed across the border once they’ve passed the test.


Violet, decorative and stylish

This beautiful flower is brightly colored and shiny a favorite in gardens and on balconies. It is an evergreen herbaceous plant with flowers that are organized around a long stalk with five petals of color that gives it its name. There are also beautiful white varieties.

Its cultivation is relatively simple and is very useful to cover certain parts of the garden where little sunlight falls. Besides being great for decorating homes on the outside and inside, has other interesting utilities, including medicinal, chemical and even culinary.

Cultivation, propagation and soil
Its bloom is from November to March, keeping the flowers for two or three weeks. It is planted in September and multiply by division of mature plant. The best part of the garden to plant it where the sun does not directly, preferring the shade. It needs regular watering, at least two or three times a week, letting the field get to stay dry.

No excessive demands on the ground, although it is better for the soil is cool, compact, calcareous. In wild conditions, violets grow in meadows and damp places, in the early spring. The flowers can be collected and allowed to dry to interior decoration.

Its use
Although they can be used to decorate pots on balconies and patios in the garden may be small flower carpets covering the floors of a very elegant way. Its aroma is used to flavor certain liquors and confectionery, besides being essential for perfumes and cosmetics.

It has expectorant properties, laxative and antispasmodic. The flowers are used to cure colds with infusions and syrups. The leaves are antirheumatic, and improve bronchitis, cough and eruptive fevers. The following characteristics are attributed expectorants.

To make an infusion to add no more than three grams of dried violet flowers in a cup of boiling water. Let it settle, filtered and ready to take. Surely more than a cold calm.

Lily, Lilium

- Scientific or Latin name: Lilium spp.

- Common or usual name: Lily, Lilium, martagon.

- Family: Liliaceae (Lily).

- The genus Lilium comprises about 100 species distributed throughout the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, a dozen of them are indigenous to Europe and two in North America, while 50-60 species occur in Asia.

- Most interesting are Lilium longiflorum lily, with white flowers and the hybrids produced from crosses between various species, mainly Lilium Lilium speciosum and auratum, with bright colors ranging from red to yellow.

- Trumpet-like flowers is the lily.

- Azucena emits a very intense aroma, especially at night.

- Not all varieties of lilies are fragrant, but two that have a strong odor, Lilium candidum and Lilium regale.

- The main colors are white, orange, purple, pink and yellow, plus the various shades and combinations thereof, especially among some hybrids.

- The lilies usually bloom from spring (May in the Northern Hemisphere), reaching their summer peak, and lasted until late summer.

- The bulb and the oil extracted from it may be taken for medicinal uses.

- The lily is a bulbous plant that reaches a certain height (1 m) so that patches should be surrounded by mulch.

- The lily is widely grown for cut flowers. They keep their freshness and fragrance for long.

- White is often associated with purity and therefore is closely related to the bridal bouquets.

- Also can be used as a garden planter.

- Keep in mind that the roots of lily can grow several inches, so if planted in a pot make sure we have enough space to grow.

- Light: once planted, try to keep the soil cool and shaded, and the sun only to give them flowers.

- The best place to put it near a tree or under a bush that is not too thick.

- Always ensure that the land of the lily is kept fresh, so do not hesitate to move the pot in the shade if it is hot.

- Planting lily: depending on the variety, some are planted in autumn to give them time to develop roots, but most are planted in spring.

- Once planted, will bloom regularly for a number of years and it is advisable to incorporate perennials terraces.

- Thinning lily bulbs every 3 to 4 years (who remain on earth) and replant them again to obtain new copies.

- Pest AZUCENA (Lilium spp.)

- Crioceras.

- Adults and larvae of beetles Crioceris merdigera or Lilioceris lilii, damaging leaves and buds that are bitten while feeding.

- To monitor the first adult populations that may appear, are treated with pyrethroid insecticides such as deltamethrin, endosulfan, and so on.

- Aphids (Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii, Aphis fabae).

- This pest causes direct damage lily and are agents of some viral vectors. The attacks are localized in the apical part of the plant, the more tender and budding by the floral underworld.

- Damages caused by feeding adults nutritive sucking of the plant is located both in the lower leaves and in flower buds.

- Seizures may cause significant distortions in leaf and flower buds of the lily.

- Control aphids.

- The pesticide treatments can be applied to aldicarb soil when the apical bud is about 10 cm and foliar spraying of dichlorvos, pirimicarb, methomyl, and so on. when the plant is more adult.

- Bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus-fum).

- Rhizoglyphus echinopus-fum parasite operates inside the bulb and can even affect the roots.

- Causes a series of injuries that can penetrate beyond the fungal diseases that accelerate the decay of the bulb and plant loss.

- Control.

- Is based on a preventive treatment of lily bulbs before planting.

- To do the bulbs are dipped in a solution containing about 50 cm3 / g of phosphorus insecticide (diazinon), half an hour.

- Trips (Liothrips vaneeckei, Frankliniella occidentalis).

- They highlight two species of thrips affecting Lilium plants.

- The first is Liothrips vaneeckei that develops in the scales of the bulbs, planted or stored. It causes wrinkling of the epidermis of the scales, which take a brown color.

- Frankliniella occidentalis transmitter acts as a viral agent.

- Also cause direct damage such as pitting and lily stained flower buds, shortened internodes, birth flower and so on.

- Control.

- Is performed by spraying with endosulfan and methiocarb both the plant and soil.

- Heat treatments are recommended bulbs to 43.5 º C.


- Rhizoctonia solani.

- Produces soft brown rot on the bulb. Roots will develop shortly, drying the lower leaves if the attack is weak and, if intense, dry all the leaves and even flower buds.

- Should be eliminated affected lily bulbs and prevent sanitized before planting.

- Phytophthora parasitica or Phytophthora nicotianae.

- Produces a dark mauve spot at the base of the stem, which is spreading upward, the lower leaves turning yellow. It also produces brown spots on the stem that breaks easily.

- Control.

- Disinfection lily bulb can reduce the incidence of the disease.

- In cultivation treatments are performed captafol, metalaxyl, fosetyl, in sprays directed to the neck of the plant.

- Pythium ultimum.

- Produce the putrefaction of lily roots with light brown spots. When the attack comes a mild growth retardation, but when severe it affected the whole plant, including flower buds that dry up and fall.

- Control.

- To treat these products use the same as above.

- Botrytis or gray mold (Botrytis elliptica, Botrytis cinerea).

- Attacks the whole plant (leaves, stems and flowers), producing brown spots more or less rounded.

- On leaves round spots appear first, then reddish yellow to pinkish-brown border.

- The leaves, if the weather is dry, wither and dry and, conversely, if the humidity is high, the spots spread to invade the entire worksheet, which covers gray mold and eventually rot, stems as well as invaded.

- The leaves and stems of diseased lily plants should be collected and burned.

- Control.

- There must control the humidity of the greenhouse.

- When watering will avoid wetting the leaves to prevent fungal growth and if environmental conditions so warrant, shall apply fungicide treatments.

- The products used are inclozolina, procymidone, iprodione, and so on.

- Necrotic spot virus of the lily (LSV).

- It is one of the most serious diseases of Lilium.

- Foliar symptoms are manifested chlorotic spots, elongated parallel to the veins that become progressively necrotic.

- The leaves of the lily is wound into a kind of rosette and deformed flowers, small, open hard.

- It has been shown that this disease comes from a mixed infection by two viruses: one is the LSV, which when alone is usually latent in many cultivars.

- Two virus in synergy with the LSV, allow the externalization of symptoms, one of which is the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), causing necrotic leaf streaks and variegated tulip virus (TBV), which produces necrosis bulb.

- The lily mottle.

- With this designation has been assigned to a group of viral diseases causing alterations in the pigmentation of the leaves.

- Lily flowers and can also have variegated strains that are more intense if the plants are also infected by LSV.

- Control of virus diseases.

- Regeneration by meristem culture.

- Has been made to the LSV free plants from infected explants Virazole incorporating into the culture medium.

- Need to respect the norms of isolation and application of treatments against the vectors to achieve good health of plantations.

- Physiological OF AZUCENA (Lilium spp.).

- Burn the leaves.

- Also called "leaf scorch", grayish white spots occur on leaves that turn brown and may appear on the stem.

- They occur in lily plants for various reasons (salinity, poor texture, asphyxia, high soil temperature, etc.). Have not developed a good root system, there is an imbalance between the aerial and underground.

- The incidence of this alteration depends on the sensitivity of the hybrid cultivated.

- They are sensitive Sterlin Star, Pirate, Lady Killer, Medaillon, Golden Melody and Stargacer.

- To minimize the effects of this disorder are advised:

- Avoid too rapid growth (temperature control of emissions).

- Avoid rapid evaporation (shading, spraying, ventilation, etc.)..

- Planted with ground fresh and ripe.

- For sensitive lily hybrids, using smaller bulb sizes.

- There are more prone to large calibers.

- Fight against diseases and pests of the roots.

- Layered stem apices.

- It occurs in young plants with heights between 35 and 65 cm, and in the vicinity of floral underworld in this area, the section of the stem is weakened wrinkling and bending the head.

- Is produced in crops grown in humid places, dark and low temperatures.

- Abortion of flowers.

- Can be due to lack of light in the young stages of growth and also by water stress.

- The calcium nitrate fertilizers helps prevent another cause, nutritional problems.

- Iron chlorosis.

- Lack of iron in calcareous soils.

- Correct providing iron chelates.

- Frost.

- Low temperatures can destroy the lily buds, so in cold climates, plants should be protected from the cold.

It’s not always the size of the bouquet that counts! Top tips for men this Valentine’s

Valentine's Day fast approaching, however, many men still are not sure what they get for their beloved bride, but the answer is as simple as it has been for centuries.

Flowers are really simple but powerful gift out there. Even the most clueless man can get his message through a bouquet of beautiful flowers, with just about any flower. What most people forget is to florists in the profession of gifts, especially of giving flowers. There's really nothing to be afraid or anxious.

To add a bit of an explosion or drama to the gift giving process with flower delivery is the obvious solution. There is an element of mystery to hand it to work, and you can be sure it will be full of pleasure, when there is an audience of colleagues around to see how good you have it!

If you are a man who will not be wholly lost their masculinity by purchasing a bouquet of flowers, a potted plant simple reason that suits the decor of your home or group home environment can be as wonderful a gift . Especially, if ordered online and delivered on the day directly to your front door Valentine's Day!

According to research, single men are the group of men who are truly lost in the dark when it comes to flowers. But there are plenty of guys out there just hoping someone knows his true feelings on Valentine's Day. The solution for them is as simple as it is for married men. Choose a flower or a bouquet that reminds you of it and have it delivered. If the lady you are sending is not aware of their feelings, it is best to opt for something lower, a single stem or a small pink flowers small. Just try to choose something not too over the top to not scare her off.

Women are not that difficult to please as many people imagine, and not always the size of the bouquet that counts, is more thought and attention devoted to it. If the plant or flower bouquet that is sure to bring a smile to your face with this simple act of affection.

Flowers for Wedding Anniversaries

Anniversaries are a celebration of a remarkable event such as marriage or the establishment of an enterprise, institution, etc.. The anniversaries of death are solemn events. The anniversary of wedding or marriage anniversary is the hottest celebrities in the world. The anniversary wishes and flowers are the most important elements of an anniversary. Giving flowers to his wife is the best way to express your feelings on your wedding anniversary. Romance is considered incomplete without flowers.

Giving flowers to friends and family in their anniversaries ideally convey their best wishes. Discuss your wishes and happiness with flowers on wedding anniversaries of friends and family members - parents, in-laws, etc.. siblings. Send a bouquet of fresh flowers to say Happy Anniversary!. The flowers are a beautiful surprise on any anniversary.

For sad occasions, flowers are eloquently convey their sympathies to the bereaved family on the anniversary of death.

Wedding Anniversaries
Wedding anniversaries are great occasions for couples to celebrate their love for each other. Celebrate your wedding anniversary helps strengthen their love and rediscover the reasons you chose to marry in this special day of the year. Each wedding anniversary deserves a celebration in a special way. The flowers are the best way to express their feelings for the couple on their wedding anniversary or your spouse on your special day.

A beautifully designed floral arrangement for your anniversary shows how important marriage is for you. Send your lucky couple lovely flowers to express their best wishes and happiness that represents your relationship. Reward your friends and family on their wedding anniversary with something special: Flowers. Give your partner their favorite flowers in your wedding anniversary. It is also traditional to give a gift to your partner or couples celebrating the anniversary symbolizing particular. These gifts are made of different materials for each wedding anniversary. Send these gifts to their wedding anniversary flowers to add a special touch.

According to tradition different types of flowers and jewelry should be give for different anniversaries. The fourth is the wedding anniversary of Paper, his eighth of the Bronze Weddings, anniversary tenth is called Weddings of Aluminum, the 25th anniversary is called the Silver Jubilee, the fiftieth are the Golden Jubilee and the number sixty Weddings Platinum.

Flowers and Wedding Anniversaries Year Anniversary Flowers asociadsas
1st Wedding Aniverario - Carnations / Peonies
The 2nd Aniverario Wedding - Cosmos
3rd Wedding Aniverario - Fuchsias
The 4th Aniverario Wedding - Geranios
The 5th Wedding Aniverario - Margaritas
The 6th Aniverario Wedding - Or Cala Lily
The 7th Aniverario Wedding - Jack-in-the-Pulpit
The 8th Aniverario Wedding - Clematis
The 9th Aniverario Wedding - Poppies
10th Wedding Aniverario - Daffodils
11th Wedding Aniverario - Morning glory
12th Wedding Aniverario - Peonies
13th Wedding Aniverario - Madder
14th Wedding Aniverario - Dahlias
Wedding 15vo Aniverario - Roses
Wedding 20vo Aniverario - Lilies
Wedding 25vo Aniverario - Iris
28th Wedding Aniverario - Orchids
30th annual Wedding Aniverario - Clarin
40th Wedding Aniverario - Capuchin
Wedding 50vo Aniverario - Violets
60th Wedding Aniverario - Roses

Care Tips for Phalaenopsis orchids

The phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most beautiful and admired worldwide.

Surely many of you have received this plant as gift on Valentine's Day or another date highlighted.

Although care is not difficult, as mistakenly think, showing you simple recommendations to enjoy this range for a long time without too much sacrifice.


Under favorable conditions the phalaenopsis live between 3 and 7 years, flowering two or three times a year.

Its flowering is very durable, the rods can withstand up to thirty petals begin to wilt and not until he has flourished the last bud, which can be a two or three months beyond the onset of flowering.

Once all the flowers are wilted, it is recommended pruning, cutting the stem above the third or fourth bud, Hence another stem will begin to sprout.

A critical moment for the plant is when the buds are swollen, about to open. We should not stress the plant is these days with changes in location, temperature or humidity. Any such changes may lead to the premature fall of the buttons, without ever blooming.

Temperature and Humidity

A phalaenopsis orchids do not like extreme temperatures or drafts. On the contrary, is very comfortable in sites with abundant light and moisture.

Under normal circumstances be sufficient to water them once a week in winter, increasing the frequency in spring and summer. The key is to avoid reaching dry land, without always having it flooded.

The water irrigation will be better the more natural. If tap water is too chalky can collect rainwater or use a neutral mineral water. If we get very chlorinated water can let it stand several hours and then water. You must be at room temperature.

It should be watered without wetting the leaves and the center of the plant. Do not leave standing water in the center of the leaves or roots continually swamped, recognizable by a deep green color. Nor is it desirable to leave water in the dish.

We should have Caution with the heating during the winter months. The orchid may find a more dry, which could hurt. Our recommendation is to place the pot on a plate with water and pebbles so that the base of the container does not get wet. You can spray occasionally. Another way to facilitate the proper moisture content could be put several plants together, so they will make the right microclimate.

Substrate and pot

The phalaenopsis is green chlorophyll in their roots, use them to perform photosynthesis. It is therefore sold in transparentes machetes and TranslucideTo facilitate the light reaching them. Do not transplantéis classics opaque ceramic pots, or the cubráis with embellecodores not permit the passage of light.

These orchids are well adjusted to their pots, even if they seem small. While a transplant could come to them every two or three years, in spring. We can remove the dried roots carefully, paying attention to the aerial roots remain so, do not cover them.

We will always use a special substrate for them, usually based on peat and pine bark, leaving a good drainage.


The substrate used is usually very poor in nutrients, so it's good for the plants provide nutrients through a special liquid fertilizer for orchids. But do not you pass to the doses, can burn the roots.

Always paid on the substrate and watered.

Its most common disease

High humidity, low temperature and poor ventilation are the ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria Pseudomonas cattleyae, Which attacks almost every orchid in the Phalaenopsis but is fatal in a few days. Produce rots the leaves known as "Brown spot (brown spot) and the infection appears as translucent and watery spots on the leaves.

It is a highly contagious disease among orchids, so it is desirable to isolate from other plants as a first step.

The most effective is to cut with a sharp blade portion of infected leaf and place the plant in a well ventilated, while avoiding watering during a week or until it is seen that the progression of the rot has stopped.

Had dead roots (they are recognized as they tend to be "deflated" and be brown) must be cut using scissors that we will have gone through the flame of a candle in order to sterilize them to prevent virus transmission.


Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) is one of the favorite flowers from florists. Because they can last long as flowers, carnations are very popular either in his buttonhole, in clusters, and in a variety of floral arrangements. Carnations are popularly favored for big occasions, especially Mother's Day and weddings.

Carnations are also commonly referred to by its scientific name, "Dianthus", the name given by the Greek botanist Theopharastus. Carnations got the name Dianthus from two Greek words - "God", referring to the god Zeus, and "Anthos", meaning flower. Carnations are thus "The Flowers of God."

The flowers of this species Carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus has 5 petals and vary in color from white to pink and purple. Contiguous cultivated varieties have double flowers are carnation as many as 40 petals. When grown in the gardens, the Carnations grow between 6 and 8.5 cm in diameter. The Carnation petals are often scratched or are closed. Carnations are bisexual flowers and bloom simply or in a group branched or forked. The stamens in Carnations can occur in some turns, the number equal to twice the number of petals

Facts about the Carnations
•Carnations express love, fascination and distinction.
•Carnations are native to Eurasia.
•Historically, Carnations were first used by Greeks and Romans in garlands.
•Carnation leaves are narrow and the color varies from green to gray-blue or purple.
•Of the various kinds of carnations, three are the most common are annual Carnations, carnations and carnations contiguous perennial flower.
•Carnations grow large and full flowers on strong stems and upright. The carnation flowers last a long time.

Types of Carnations
The crops of carnations are divided into three types:

•Carnations large flowers - a large flower per stem.
•Spray Carnation (Carnation Minis) - with many smaller flowers.
•Carnation flower girls - several small flowers on one stalk.

Meanings in Carnation
The carnations have a wide variety of colorful colors represent these different meanings.

Clavel Meaning

Carnations in general Fascination
Pink Carnation - Maternal Love
Soft Red Carnation - Admiration
Intense red clover - Deep love to win the heart of a woman
White Carnations - BUNEA pure love and luck
Carnations Rayados - Rejection
Green Carnation - St. Patrick's Day
Purple Carnation - Caprichos
Yellow Carnations - Disappointment

How to preserve a bouquet of flowers

All of us have ever received a beautiful bouquet drew us a smile or an occasional tear, and in these special occasions with flowers entertain us arises the sadness of not being able to keep them for too long.

While it is true that flowers once they are cut from the plant and made into beautiful bouquets to give away slowly begin to lose life until completely dry, There are certain tricks and secrets with which we can prolong their freshness and beauty.

This is necessary to know also some special features of the flowers we received, especially in regard to care and maintenance. But in good general rules we can use these tips for better conservation of the vast majority of flowers we treat.

As a first step, just get the flowers you leave them as they arrived for at least two hours with the stems well immersed in water, So you'll be helping them recover from the shipment that have suffered from the florist to your home.

Once this time, cut the leaves that may be submerged in water according to the pitcher or vase you choose and when you do try to do this task quickly and without touching the flowers too, that the damages and will fade more quickly.

When you must choose a vaseProvided that you acquire one silver opportunity, as this material has an antibacterial power that allows the flowers placed in it will stay fresh longer.

Tomorrow we will share some tips on the location within the house and home a couple of tricks to keep that gift that made you feel so good

Messages of love for Valentine's Day

Love is a flower of spring between two people
which takes place in summer and winter does not wither.
(Turkish proverb)

Like the music and lyrics of a song, a beautiful bouquet of flowers enriches their message together with beautiful words on a card. But it is not always easy to find. Here we leave some suggestions, if you seek inspiration.

• Love does not count the years, but rather, that the years count.
• In a kiss, all I know nothing.
• The first kiss is not given with the mouth but with his eyes.
• You know it's the nicest thing to sleep? ... Knowing that you can dream .... And the nicest thing to wake up? ... You're not a dream, but you are real ...
• Happiness is a 9-letter word, mine are summarized in 2 ... YOU
• It may not be the richest person in the world but, by your side I feel the luckiest.
• When you look at the stars remember me that each of them is a kiss for you.
• Like you want me to forget, if I try to forget, I forget and start forgetting to remind you.
• Sometimes I wonder why life is so beautiful, now I know, because you're in it.
• I would be so sweet illusion that crazy! to walk about your skin and melt in your mouth.
• I threw a coin into the river and a desire I asked ... I was scared ... I felt cold because ... when I looked in the river were you with my love mí.Haré never forget and remember my name in your stay and if it is true that Love eventually dies ... I will wait time
• By 1 kiss from your mouth 2 would give you hugs sighs 3 showing 4 times your joy and in the 5th symphony 6 yearning dreams 7 times would give him an 8 letters I love you because 9 times and 10 times alive you die.
• I dreamed that you loved me, I dreamed that you loved me and I fell in bed for dreaming nonsense.
• If every time I think you go out a star in the sky would not be no stars to shine.

Several of these messages circulate on the Internet as SMS, appointments being really, like these others that we liked

• There is nothing more interesting than the conversation of two lovers in a profound silence. (Achille Tournier)
• The blade, when he loves, becomes a flower, the flower, when he loves, becomes a fruit. (Rabindranath Tagore)
• Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even where it climbs the ruins. (Gerard Flobert)
Finally, we leave here thinking read some time ago can not remember where

• Love and knowledge are unique in one respect: the more you grow share

Help for Haiti...

LinkingFlowers donate 5% of each sale to UNICEF to help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti

History and culture of the rose

1 - History of the Rose
The rose has been since the dawn of time the queen of flowers.

The first records of its use date back to ornamental Crete (seventeenth century BC).

The rose was considered a symbol of beauty by the Babylonians, Syrians, Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.

In Egypt and Greece had a special significance, and more on Rome.

The Romans cultivated the rose strongly, being used to ornament their petals and the plant in the gardens in an area called Rosetum.

After Middle Ages, Where its cultivation was confined to monasteries, reappears passion for growing Rosal. An example of this passion was the Empress Josephine in 1802 from his palace at Malmaison came to possess a collection of 650 roses. The collections of roses have multiplied since then.

During the nineteenth century varieties begin to arrive in the Far East, where its cultivation was also very relevant to the ancient Chinese gardeners (there are roses growing data 3000 BC). With them come the yellows.

2 - Cultivation of the Rose

- Sun at least 6 hours per day. They have generally found in very sunny places, although it is desirable to have a little shade at certain times of day.

- The best situation is a clear place in the sun, where the air to pass easily between branches.

- Air circulation is important because it is less fungi. A rose bush near a wall or corner wetter, with less air circulation, is more prone to fungal attack.

- Withstands cold, But in climates with heavy frost is important to protect in the harshest months of the year, wrapping the stem and branches with dry leaves, newspaper or a plastic.

- They are not very demanding when the ground. The best is the sandy-loam soil, deep, permeable, well drained.

- Good irrigation and many nutrients to flower profusely. When planting roses near other plants, make sure that competition for nutrients and water affects them (and water paid more).

- In the event that the Rose is grown in a potThe watering frequency will increase.

- Do not wet the leaves to avoid the appearance of fungi.

- Fundamental to the proper growth of this plant is to make a pruning twice a year, a dramatic in winter and once in the summer.

- The first year there is no need to prune them, but must be done from the second year.

- It is also essential remove spent flowers to avoid consuming resources needed by the buds that are about to bloom.

- Normally the multiplication is performed by grafting. Pets woody cuttings, seeds, layers.

Visit our new site for deliveries in all MEXICO

Visit and send flowers with our new site for the whole Mexican territory, with local deliveries in each city through our network of partner florists

Flowers Delviery Mexico, Florist Mexico City Valentine's Day on Mexico